Diabetes Article List

  • Diabetes

What causes gout? Explains the symptoms and characteristics of hyperuricemia

According to a survey by the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, 20% of adult males today are said to have hyperuricemia. There may be some people who are pointed out to have uric acid levels at a medical checkup and just leave it as it is. Hyperuricemia has few subjective symptoms, and you […]

  • Diabetes

[Supervised by a doctor] What is insulin treatment for diabetes? 

Diabetes is treated with oral medications and insulin. Insulin therapy is a treatment that you inject into your own body. Now let's talk about insulin therapy. Adaptation for insulin treatment Depending on the type of diabetes […]

  • Diabetes

[Do you apply? What are the characteristics of people who are prone to diabetes? Cause and remedy

Diabetes is difficult to completely cure once it develops. Treatment with oral medications and injections must be continued for the rest of one's life, and the burden is not only physical but also mental and financial. In addition, in complications, there is a risk of blindness, and the kidneys do not work and life […]

  • Diabetes

Self-check for symptoms of hypoglycemia! Explain the symptoms of hypoglycemia and how to deal with it

What are the symptoms of hypoglycemia? Can I check myself for hypoglycemia? People who have never experienced hypoglycemia cannot imagine what hypoglycemia symptoms are like, and cannot self-check […]

  • Diabetes

[What is the difference between fasting and postprandial blood glucose levels?] Diagnosis of diabetes

What kind of tests are used to diagnose diabetes, and what values ​​are considered diabetic? Some people may feel uneasy about diagnosing diabetes like this. In this article, we will discuss the diagnosis of diabetes. & […]

  • Diabetes

[Find Diabetes! ] Thorough explanation of the early symptoms of diabetes

When young and healthy people hear the word "diabetes", do they think that it is a disease that has nothing to do with them? According to data from the International Diabetes Federation (IDF), the number of diabetes patients in the world is about 400 million, especially in the Western Pacific including Japan […]

  • Diabetes

[What kind of disease is diabetes? 】Symptoms, causes, and complications

Diabetes is one of the lifestyle-related diseases. Diabetes patients are now said to be 1 in 6 people, including pre-diabetes. Originally, it is said that Japanese people are prone to diabetes, and there are cases where even thin people get diabetes. Therefore, this time, diabetes […]

  • Diabetes

[What should not be eaten by diabetics? ] Notes on meals

Are there any foods that diabetics should not eat? In conclusion, there is nothing that diabetics should not eat. However, there are some things that you shouldn't eat too much of. Important things in treating diabetes […]
