• knees

[The back of my knee hurts.. Are you sick? ] About the cause of pain in the back of the knee

"Recently, my knees are not feeling well", "I feel uncomfortable behind my knees", "I feel difficulty walking" Do you have any such worries? The knee joint consists of the thigh bone, the femur, the tibia […]

  • regenerative medicine

What is regenerative medicine? Explanation of diseases and side effects for which stem cell therapy is effective

Have you ever heard the word regenerative medicine? Many of you may not be familiar with it. Regenerative medicine is a state-of-the-art medical technology that is expected to provide new treatments for diseases and injuries that were previously ineffective. here […]

  • Diabetes

[Do you apply? What are the characteristics of people who are prone to diabetes? Cause and remedy

Diabetes is difficult to completely cure once it develops. Treatment with oral medications and injections must be continued for the rest of one's life, and the burden is not only physical but also mental and financial. In addition, in complications, there is a risk of blindness, and the kidneys do not work and life […]

  • heart

[Before it's too late] What is the cause of sudden chest pain? Explanation of symptoms and possible diseases

My chest suddenly started to hurt even though I didn't know what it was, why on earth? Chest pain can have many causes, depending on the type, degree, location, and frequency of pain. It is important to note that some cases require immediate treatment. […]

  • knees

[Supervised by a doctor] Explanation of how the knee works! How to stay healthy with cartilage regeneration medicine

Knee pain that begins to worry when it comes to middle aged. Some people may be accustomed to having hyaluronic acid injections on a regular basis. When knee disease becomes severe, it interferes with daily life, and in the worst case, surgery is required, and the quality of life […]

  • dementia

[Early stage care is the key] Explains the early symptoms of dementia and measures to take

“What are the initial symptoms of dementia?” It is said that the boundary between the initial state of dementia and normal health is rather ambiguous. I will tell you ahead of time, but if dementia develops, the merit of starting treatment at an early stage is very large. […]

  • others

Are there nursing homes that you can enter with the national pension?

The national pension doesn't have a lot of money, but is there a nursing home to put it in? If so, what kind of nursing home is it? Many people are worried about how much pension they will receive in the future. In particular, if you are enrolled in the Employees’ Pension […]

  • Diabetes

Self-check for symptoms of hypoglycemia! Explain the symptoms of hypoglycemia and how to deal with it

What are the symptoms of hypoglycemia? Can I check myself for hypoglycemia? People who have never experienced hypoglycemia cannot imagine what hypoglycemia symptoms are like, and cannot self-check […]

  • brain

[Former number one cause of death in Japan] What should I do if I develop a cerebral infarction? Explains treatment methods and costs

The mortality rate of cerebrovascular disease in Japan was the highest in the 1950s and 1960s, and it was called a national disease. However, since the 1980s, treatment methods have been established, and it has become possible to detect it at an early stage through medical checkups, so it is on the decline. It is on the decline […]

  • dementia

[Disease of Reiwa] What is smartphone dementia? Detailed explanation of symptoms and countermeasures

Don't you feel like you've been forgetful lately, or that your memory has gotten worse? Smartphones are an indispensable item in modern society, but excessive use can increase the risk of illness. Especially in recent years, people in their 30s to 50s […]

  • brain

[Time to start rehabilitation is the key] Explaining rehabilitation after stroke

After a stroke, people suffer from various aftereffects and physical impairments. Depending on the location of the brain damage, symptoms vary widely, including autonomic neuropathy such as incontinence and constipation, movement disorders such as muscle atrophy, and cognitive disorders such as dementia and disturbance of consciousness. Many failures occur […]

  • Diabetes

[What is the difference between fasting and postprandial blood glucose levels?] Diagnosis of diabetes

What kind of tests are used to diagnose diabetes, and what values ​​are considered diabetic? Some people may feel uneasy about diagnosing diabetes like this. In this article, we will discuss the diagnosis of diabetes. & […]
