privacy policy

Omotesando Helene Clinic recognizes that the personal information entrusted to us by patients is important information that should be properly protected and handled carefully from the perspective of respecting the personality of the individual. We have established this privacy policy as a policy to prevent personal information from being leaked outside the clinic or used for purposes other than the intended use.

1. Collection and use of personal information

Our clinic collects personal information within the scope of patient medical care, and does not handle personal information beyond the scope necessary to achieve the following purposes of use.

(1) Medical services
・Provision of medical services, recording in medical records, etc.
・Collaboration with other medical institutions and research institutions
・Outsourcing of sample testing and other operations
・Various medical investigations
・Other operations incidental to the provision of medical services

(2) Others
・Maintenance and improvement of medical services and other operations
・Accounting management and related operations
・Case review/research and related work
・Other operations related to management and operation of clinics

2. Proper management of personal information

Our clinic strives to prevent leakage, loss, destruction, falsification, and unauthorized access to patient's personal information.

3. Disclosure and Correction of Personal Information

If a patient requests disclosure of their personal information, our clinic will confirm the content without delay and comply with various laws and regulations such as the Personal Information Protection Law. In addition, if the patient requests correction for reasons such as the content of the personal information is not true, we will investigate and respond appropriately.

4. Improving systems for legal compliance and personal information protection

Our clinic will comply with Japanese laws and other norms regarding the protection of personal information, review this privacy policy as appropriate, and continuously improve the mechanism for personal information protection.

5. Contact point for personal information

For inquiries regarding the handling of personal information at this clinic, please contact the Omotesando Helene Clinic legal affairs department (telephone 03-6427-2280).





culture video
Former Health, Labor and Welfare Minister Ritsuo Hosokawa




